May 18, 2020 Update



⦁ Do not come in if you are sick.
⦁ Do not bring family or relatives to your appointment.
⦁ Answer patient screening questions before you come in (Download form here, if possible)).
⦁ Parking lot check-in.
⦁ Wait in your car until we are ready for you.

⦁ Answer patient screening questions again on the day of your appointment (Download form here, if possible).
⦁ Wear a face mask when you come in.
⦁ Sanitize hands.
⦁ Check temperature.
⦁ One-minute pre rinse.

⦁ Our waiting room will no longer offer magazines, coffee pot, and children’s toys.
⦁ Increased PPE for doctor and staff: masks, gloves, shields, caps, gowns, and shoe covers.
⦁ Improved Aerosol control.

⦁ We continue to treat one patient at a time.
⦁ Wiping down all surfaces several times an hour.
⦁ Flushing water lines. While in shut-down, all water lines have been shocked(sanitized) for your safety.
⦁ Routine sterilization monitoring and spore testing.

⦁ Wash your hands with soap and water.
⦁ Please inform us immediately if you become ill or develop symptoms within 14 days of visiting our office.

For those who had appointments that we had to cancel, we will be contacting you to reschedule.
We look forward to seeing your smiling faces again and want you to feel safe here.

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